Relationship & Sexuality Education

Relationship & Sexuality Education Curriculum developed by Youth Action & Cara-Friend

This backpack aims to help you on your journey as you work with young people to educate and support them on their path to healthy and life-enhancing sexual relationships.  Building on the Turn the Light On resource published in 2020, this backpack focuses attention on your role as a youth worker.  Included in this backpack are resources that will both support and sustain you on your journey. These include a map, compass, water, food, phone and a first aid kit.

As you get to know young people, they will help you understand what their needs are and what they are interested in knowing more about.  As documented in this resource, there is a comprehensive range of resources available to help you on this journey.  These include guidance documents as well as session plans and workshops. There are also details of organisations whose primary focus is delivering relationships and sexuality education programmes as well as sexual health experts across the Health Trusts, who are also willing to provide support and guidance.